Aphasia, Apraxia, and Dysarthria Stroke Survivors Group!

Free communication disorder support group led by Stroke Survivors CAN for stroke survivors and anyone else who experiences these disorders lead by stroke survivors. It meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 1030-Noon MST (1230-2 PM Eastern, 930-11 AM Pacific) in person or online via Zoom.

1st Wednesday in person at Norco Meridian at 1303 S Silverstone, Meridian, 83642 or online at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcuGhrjkuHNyvmnXEsKbVcDHqHGSJCMOh

3rd Wednesday in person at the YMCA Metro at 805 W Franklin St., Boise, 83702 or online at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkf-GgpjguHNfrOaiU4br4nyQW4UOY2q8j

Victors Over Stroke

A free resource to anyone suffering from a stroke, sponsored by Stroke Survivors CAN and led by Dr. Ann Phillips, Grit Mobility Concepts. It meets the 2nd Monday of the month online via Zoom at 1 PM MST (3 PM EST, Noon PST).


Resource Center

A free Resource Center whereby anyone who suffered a stroke (or those who love them) can find help or a referral to someone who can help with:

  • Adjusting to life after a stroke
  • Understanding your rights
  • Applying for Social Security disability, Medicare, and Medicaid
  • Books and media materials
  • Counseling referrals
  • Syrebo hand rehabilitation device
  • Adaptive communication device by Lingraphica


Please make an appointment by emailing kevin@strokesurvivorscan.org

Stroke Survivors and Caregivers Luncheon

A free luncheon for stroke survivors and their caregivers. 1st Tuesday of the month. Noon-1:30 PM MST. In person only at the office of Stroke Survivors CAN!, located at 3023 E Copper Point way, #108, Meridian. RSVP strongly suggested so we have enough food by emailing


Additional Resources

  • Life after Stroke, St. Luke’s, Meridian. ID.  In person or online, every third Thursday at 2 PM MST.  For more information, email stroke@slhs.org
  • Survivor walking group put on by St. Lukes, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 10-11 AM MST, Senior Center at Kleiner Memorial Park (April through October, weather permitting)
  • St. Alphonsus Hospital, Boise, ID.  In person or online, every first Thursday at 1 PM MST.  For more information, email herbert.mumford@saintalphonsus.org

If you would like your group listed for free, please send email to Kevin for details.